Staff augmentation is a type of outsourcing strategy that involves hiring additional staff to work alongside an existing team. In this blog, we will explain what staff augmentation is, how it works, and why it is beneficial for businesses.

What is Staff Augmentation? Staff augmentation is a strategy used by businesses to supplement their existing team with additional skilled professionals on a temporary or project basis. The strategy involves hiring experts in a particular field to work alongside the existing team, bringing their skills and knowledge to the project. Staff augmentation provides businesses with the flexibility to quickly scale their team up or down as per their requirement.


How does Staff Augmentation work? The staff augmentation process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identifying the skills needed: Businesses identify the skills and expertise they need to supplement their existing team.

  2. Finding the right professionals: The next step is to find the right professionals with the required skillset. This can be done through staffing agencies, job boards, or by reaching out to individual professionals.

  3. Onboarding the team: Once the right team is identified, they are onboarded into the existing team. This can involve training and familiarization with the company’s processes and culture.

  4. Working together: The augmented team works alongside the existing team, bringing their expertise and knowledge to the project. They collaborate with the existing team and are managed by the company.

Why is Staff Augmentation beneficial for businesses? Staff augmentation offers several benefits for businesses, including:

  1. Flexibility: Staff augmentation allows businesses to scale their team up or down quickly based on their needs, providing them with the flexibility to handle fluctuating workloads.

  2. Cost-effectiveness: Staff augmentation is a cost-effective way to access skilled professionals without the high cost of hiring and training full-time employees.

  3. Access to expertise: Staff augmentation allows businesses to access specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house.

  4. Reduced risk: Staff augmentation reduces the risk associated with hiring full-time employees, as businesses can hire professionals for specific projects without a long-term commitment.

At Easy Infotech, we understand the benefits of staff augmentation for businesses. We offer staff augmentation services to help businesses supplement their existing team with skilled professionals on a temporary or project basis. Contact us today to learn more about our staff augmentation services and how we can help your business succeed.